New York Fire Department trials robotic dog for work purposes

July 14, 2023 by No Comments

This summer, the New York Police Department is adding crime-fighting robots to their force. With this being said, it makes logical sense that the New York Fire Department would do similar. As seen in the video below, a bunch of NYC firemen watches on as a yellow, robotic dog performs tasks such as climbing upstairs and walking about.

Like the NYPD, this robot is part of the Boston Dynamics company, which specializes in building complicated robots. It is not yet known exactly how these robots will help the NYFD and based on the video below, this robot could only do certain tasks. Nonetheless, it’s fair to assume that at some point in the future, robots could really revolutionize fire fighting.

As of right now, it’s possible that the robot dog could be used to find trapped people and locate them with a mounted camera. This could definitely save lives, but the logistics such as speed and mobility may cause an issue in the short-term.

Overall, this is a pretty cool sight and shows how in the future, technology could work alongside humans. For now though, there may be some work needed doing. Nonetheless, it’s still progress and like this robot, progress often starts with a first step.