New York Man throws pizza slices – Shouting “Give us Pizza, or give us Death”

June 27, 2023 by 2 Comments

A bizarre sighting recently showed a New York man throwing pizza slices over a gate while shouting “Give us pizza, or give us death” repeatedly. At first glance, this man’s actions seemed a bit odd – however, there is a good reason for his behavior and it’s actually quite sad.

In short, new rules drafted by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection stated that restaurants using coal or wood-fired ovens would need to lessen emissions by up to 75%. For older pizzerias then, this would mean installing emissions-monitoring devices that would cost at least $10,000 to install.

This incident took place in Manhattan and the area behind the gate may well have been the NYC Department of Environmental Protection headquarters which would make sense. In fairness to the man, he certainly made headlines which is what smart protesting is all about.

At the same time, some NYC residents saw the funny side in this though, remarking, “I wish I were on the other side of the fence to have a chance to catch some slices” and “I’d be looking like a girl in a long relationship trying to catch the bouquet at a wedding.” What’s more, he even had three more pies to go after flinging the entire contents of the first pizza box, which shows that he meant business.

On a serious note though, you can see why he was annoyed based on the new policy ruling which could put a real financial strain on businesses that are already struggling.

2 Replies to “New York Man throws pizza slices – Shouting “Give us Pizza, or give us Death””

  1. Sheila Rowland says:

    Should be a grandfather clause- just like w/everything else, new establishments. Boy, oh boy, is that going to bump up costs all around, for everyone involved, including the consumer!

  2. Judith says:

    He’s a HERO!