Newly paved Red Mountain Expressway leaves Birmingham residents joyous

June 24, 2023 by 1 Comment

Often, people will go on social media to berate local government’s and construction schemes. However, in a more wholesome news story – this one was the complete opposite. This is because work recently finished on the Red Mountain Expressway that left Birmingham residents delighted with the results.

After years of potholes and road that was in dire need of repairs, the work has finally been finished after around one month of labor. As seen in the image below, it looks vastly superior compared to its predecessor and is a welcome relief for those who regularly travel on the expressway.

While the people of Birmingham celebrated, they also didn’t stop there and calls to do the section of 65 from Homewood to Hoover were next. Unfortunately though, this is just a fantasy at this point and knowing the Birmingham council may take years for a similar project to be put in place. Nonetheless, the Red Mountain Expressway is a nice start!

Now, you may be thinking why is there so much fuss being made about a newly paved expressway. However, back in 2015, it was revealed that potholes cost Birmingham, AL drivers roughly $800 per year in car repairs. With this in mind, you can see why people are so happy. Hopefully this is the start of similar projects in Birmingham, but we may have to hold our breath for a while.

One Reply to “Newly paved Red Mountain Expressway leaves Birmingham residents joyous”

  1. John Whitaker says:

    What about I-65 from downtown Birmingham to I-459? It is a mess! Somebidy please tell me that is going to be fixed.