NWV Houses caught flipping houses for MEGA Profits – Locals ask whether it’s immoral

July 2, 2023 by No Comments

Recently, a savvy Rochester local spotted that NWV houses had successfully managed to flip a house for huge profits in the space of 6 months. After buying a house in December for $152,000, they recently sold it for $305,000 this month which is a very impressive feat. The listing in question can be found here and admittedly, it’s a pretty nice house.

Furthermore, you’d have expected quite a lot of money to be spent on renovation costs in order to bring it up to a higher standard. Nonetheless, with professional property developers, this is a given. Whatever way you put it though, it looks to be a nice venture for NWV houses.

While this is perfectly legal and fine within capitalism, some locals weren’t happy – with one person writing on social media: “Sustainability? In THIS economy?! haha, I literally can’t afford to pay rent let alone buy a house. This is just funny rich people’s problems to me.” while another added, “No wonder the house prices round here are skyrocketing – I’m not happy with this.”

Having said this, most people didn’t have a problem with it – but they did agree that prices in Rochester were rising rapidly and it was no longer the hidden gem that it once was in terms of offering great value properties.

With this in mind, if you are looking to buy in the area, then now is probably the best time. Waiting six months could just cost you double your money – which highlights how hot the market is right now.