NYC BRUTALLY Cop pushes Cyclist to the Ground – But was it justified?

June 30, 2023 by No Comments

Today saw an interesting exchange between a cop and a Getir cyclist in New York City. Here, the video begins with a scooter and bike go past on a crossing. At this point, the policeman in question waves them to stop, yet they carry on regardless. After this, you can then hear sirens and see a convoy of vehicles traveling toward the crossing in the distance.

Then, the Getir cyclist tries to follow the aforementioned scooter and bike but is physically stopped by the cop, who literally pushes him off his bike and onto the ground. Although the Getir driver holds his hands up to complain, the cop then drags him to the side. This is because the cop was allowing a motorcade through the crossing – and the vehicles involved weren’t messing around. It seems that NYC traffic can be tough to navigate at times.

On social media, the comments were firmly in favor of the cop – as the cyclist actually forced the first few vehicles to slow down. In fairness to the cop, he was just doing his job and arguably saved the cyclist from getting hit. Here’s how people reacted, with one saying: “That officer could very well have saved that rider’s life. The guys and gals who protect a Presidential motorcade get real annoyed when an unknown person suddenly whips out in front of them.” While another said, “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt like tackling those bike delivery guys. They respect nothing. Follow no rules and ride their electric bikes too damn fast…often going the wrong way. Glad the cop stopped him.”

However, not everyone agreed, with some arguing that the cyclist would have made it through fine and that the cop pushing him was too much and made things worse. As ever in these situations, it seems that sometimes, law enforcement can’t catch a break and that it can be a tough gig. So, what do you think the cop should have done – and did he act professionally?