NYC Uber Eats driver shows how much they earn in one day in The Big Apple

June 21, 2023 by No Comments

In a recent Youtube video, a user named ‘Paolo Walks and Stuff’ showed just how much money he made in an entire day’s work in New York City. Here, he used a combination of Uber Eats and Doordash to earn his wage. Specifically, he was located in Midtown Manhattan. In a bizarre twist, Paolo chose not to use his bike and spent most of the time walking around. As you can imagine, a bike (bicycle or motorbike) are pretty crucial for this line of work, so this may have hindered his earnings significantly.

Throughout the day, he took various orders which earned him prices such as $4 and $5 respectively. During the video, it also became apparent how dependent on tips Paolo also was, which contributed a big part of his income.

At the end of the video, Paolo showed how much he’d made for the day and these were his earnings. Overall, he made $113.53 which took part from 12:20PM-6:10PM. He did a total of 14 deliveries and this took place over 18.5 miles. That’s a lot of walking. It should also be noted that this took place on a Saturday, which means takings would have been well above the weekday average. Nonetheless, this is New York City we’re talking about, where takeout orders are way more consistent compared to other cities.

So, what does this tell us? Firstly, you can’t really live in Manhattan on $113 per day. It’s assumed that this Youtuber doesn’t live here forever. Secondly, although he covered a lot of ground, most of this was spent walking which isn’t optimal, and neither did he do a full days work.

In short, it shows that doing Uber Eats is still profitable and may be best as a side gig, rather than a full-time career. Nonetheless, as it was recently announced that Uber Eats pay was rising in NYC, this is only a good thing for the workers involved.