Orange County 73 Toll Road gets a price raise – AGAIN

July 6, 2023 by No Comments

Orange County residents aren’t happy with the local government – and honestly, you can’t blame them. This is because they’ve been subject to yet another price raise on the 73 toll road. This is literally the second raise in the space of one year.

As seen below, it now costs almost $10 for a one way trip during rush hour which is a pretty hefty price if you think about it. Ironically, one older resident had this to say which showed just how absurd the situation has really gotten: “When the 73 toll road opened back in 1996, they promised it would be paid off and become a freeway in 20 years. Now 27 years later, they just keep refinancing their debt which resets the clock. I can’t believe this is legal.”

Interestingly, Orange County also has the 405 which is apparently going to use ‘flex pricing’ which basically means more costs to run a car in the region. Elsewhere, another local had this to say, “This is a real issue that people sidestep. It blows my mind the effort people talk about petty stuff like fireworks compared to legitimate economic issues where the state allows a private company to take near full autonomy on important infrastructure. That’s really what the elite want though. Have people focus on peeing in the wind versus legitimate large scale issues while the problem gets worse as new expansions are tolls and rumblings of making carpools tolls.”

And honestly, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Orange County.