Orange County Dashcam shows TERRIBLE driving that leads to big crash

June 29, 2023 by 4 Comments

Let’s face it, Orange County driving can be bad at the best of times. Even by these low standards, this driver went above and beyond to show that the stereotype of reckless driving was true. This video clip was recorded at a red light on Jeffery and Bryan/Long Meadow. Note the emphasis on red light. Out of nowhere, a car weaves in and out of lanes to try and beat the red and continues speeding ahead.

In a predictable fashion, it then crashes into the opposing traffic, whereby a car was going across the road (as it would have been a green light for the second car). Such was the impact, that the ground was scattered with debris, while the speeding car was hit so hard that it ended up outside of the picture.

It’s not yet known if the drivers are ok – but by the looks of this crash, they could have easily sustained bad injuries. This just goes to show that some people don’t deserve to be on the roads and that they’re a danger to others. In fairness to the car that got hit, they did nothing wrong and it was a case of running into a maniac.

Speaking on social media, Orange County residents condemned the bad driving and said, “I hate people that run red lights with a passion. They are taking a chance to possibly kill or disable other people and just don’t care” as well as “Running the red light doesn’t begin to describe what that idiot did. The light is red for almost 6 seconds before he flies through the intersection.”

Sadly, this won’t be the last video in Orange County that shows bad driving and poor decision making – and hopefully the driver that ran the red is reprimanded for their selfish attitude.

4 Replies to “Orange County Dashcam shows TERRIBLE driving that leads to big crash”

  1. Bill B says:

    Hope he loses his driver’s license

    1. How is the other person? I hope they are ok.

  2. Tom Anderson says:

    The courts need too come down much harder on a speeders and red light runners. If there is np room in jails, cripple them economically with huge fines. Er are way too soft on criminals.

  3. Lisa says:

    There was actually another grey car alongside the one that hit the fool driver. Hope they’re are ok as well.