Orlando Council ponders Polk County Sunrail extension

June 24, 2023 by 1 Comment

It wasn’t even launched 10 years ago, but the Florida Sunrail seems to have been around forever and is a key part of many lives for those traveling around the area – either for business or pleasure. Now, almost 10 years after its launch, it may be getting an extension which is would link Orlando with Polk County.

We should stress that this idea is still in its early stages and infancy – and as of right now, locals are being asked for their thoughts on the possible expansion. In other words, there’s nothing set in stone and even if it were to happen, realistically the completion date would be many years away due to the sheer size of the operation.

According to FDOT, the extension “Could promote economic development and mobility, as well as potential environmental effects.”

Overall, the feeling in Orlando was welcoming towards these changes – and lets face it, the extension would allow greater autonomy in the region, so it’s not really going to have much backlash. Having said this, there was one key criticism of the Sunrail. This was, that despite being almost 10 years deep – it still didn’t operate on weekends. This is obviously a big deal for many people and it does beg the question, why is this the case?

Nonetheless, the extension from Orlando to Polk County has mostly been well received and may become a reality in the distant future.

One Reply to “Orlando Council ponders Polk County Sunrail extension”

  1. Alan Drucker says:

    This would be a great idea. But the line needs to run till the bars close on weekends. This would maybe generate the revenue to justify it