Happy fall, everybody! I always try to fight it, but today I was sitting on the patio at Interurban with Read More

Happy fall, everybody! I always try to fight it, but today I was sitting on the patio at Interurban with Read More

Good morning from New Orleans! I’m back in one of my favorite cities celebrating my friend’s 30th birthday. We’ve been Read More

Good morning from New Orleans! I’m back in one of my favorite cities celebrating my friend’s 30th birthday. We’ve been Read More

I was thinking about making a longer blog title but then I decided against it. Yes, indeed, this coming weekend Read More

I was thinking about making a longer blog title but then I decided against it. Yes, indeed, this coming weekend Read More

Ok, it’s finally the rainy season. I always think about food in reference to the season, but this week it Read More

Ok, it’s finally the rainy season. I always think about food in reference to the season, but this week it Read More

Consider this blog post the first in a series. I’ve been thinking a lot about cocktails lately. Not that I Read More

Consider this blog post the first in a series. I’ve been thinking a lot about cocktails lately. Not that I Read More

Weeknights, man. When the winter sets in and you live this far north, they become a challenge. It gets dark Read More

Weeknights, man. When the winter sets in and you live this far north, they become a challenge. It gets dark Read More

Yes, I totally agree, this an excellent follow-up to two fitness posts. But I believe in balance. And balance means that sometimes Read More

Yes, I totally agree, this an excellent follow-up to two fitness posts. But I believe in balance. And balance means that sometimes Read More

What a weekend! It was such a treat to have my good friends Lisa and Diane, whom I met at Read More

What a weekend! It was such a treat to have my good friends Lisa and Diane, whom I met at Read More