Everyone has a few guilty pleasures when it comes to food. Cheese, wine, heavy carbs and such. I don’t really Read More

Everyone has a few guilty pleasures when it comes to food. Cheese, wine, heavy carbs and such. I don’t really Read More

Well, as I’m sitting in our home office this evening, I can tell that the end is nigh. It’s raining. Read More

Well, as I’m sitting in our home office this evening, I can tell that the end is nigh. It’s raining. Read More

Just imagine waking up to the smell of cinnamon in  your house, and knowing that these are headed for the Read More

Just imagine waking up to the smell of cinnamon in  your house, and knowing that these are headed for the Read More

Welcome back to the Cocktail Diaries! In case anyone was wondering, I did NOT stop drinking cocktails over the last Read More

Welcome back to the Cocktail Diaries! In case anyone was wondering, I did NOT stop drinking cocktails over the last Read More

Happy almost Monday, everyone. I hope your bracket is in better shape than mine. I did, however, have the best Read More

Happy almost Monday, everyone. I hope your bracket is in better shape than mine. I did, however, have the best Read More

What’s that? You still have an excess zucchini problem? It seems like even one zucchini plant will make more than Read More

What’s that? You still have an excess zucchini problem? It seems like even one zucchini plant will make more than Read More

Challah has such a unique crumb. The air bubbles it contains are smaller than your average loaf of bread, but Read More

Challah has such a unique crumb. The air bubbles it contains are smaller than your average loaf of bread, but Read More

It’s Sunday evening, and I’m mixing cocktail/making a huge mess again, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m Read More

It’s Sunday evening, and I’m mixing cocktail/making a huge mess again, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m Read More

Ohai! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Possibly my longest time without a blog post in the two-and-change years I’ve Read More

Ohai! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Possibly my longest time without a blog post in the two-and-change years I’ve Read More

Today is my birthday! We started celebrating early this weekend. I opened one of my presents early because Dave thought Read More

Today is my birthday! We started celebrating early this weekend. I opened one of my presents early because Dave thought Read More