PDX local speculates that city could have a serial killer on the loose

May 26, 2023 by 29 Comments

In a recent post on the popular website Reddit, a Portland local theorized that the city could have an active serial killer on the loose. Although this theory isn’t proven and isn’t exactly concrete, it still makes for a disturbing thought – and sadly they may be right.

The theory goes that on April 8th, a 32 year old woman’s dead body was found in a barn in Ridgefield, Washington. A mere two weeks later, a 24 year old woman’s dead body was found in a park in Multnomah County. Lastly, this Thursday a 22 year old female’s remains were found in the Gresham area of the city.

Some argued that this theory was lazy and that excess deaths may occur due to the homeless population – with overdoses being fairly common. However, the first death was judged to have been by ‘homicide by blunt head and neck injuries.’

Still, it should be noted that this is speculative, and the police department hasn’t made any clear links at this point – neither have they even floated around the possibility. One Redditor commented agreeing and said “This has vibes of “NYC in the 70s” for sure. Crime, graffiti, drugs, disorder, now a serial killer? (Back then it was Son of Sam.)” Whilst another said “serial killer’s name has been released: Methamphetamine Fentanyl Heroin.” However, as previously noted, these deaths aren’t due to drugs.

Over the years, Portland has had its share of serial killers with the likes of Todd Reed targeting the homeless during the 90s. So, even though this may seem like a reach at the moment, you’d also be foolish to rule it out completely.

29 Replies to “PDX local speculates that city could have a serial killer on the loose”

  1. The first woman was an accident the second one was an overdose in the park and the third one could be either an overdose or a homicide.

    1. I’m from NYC and I think Portland should put up cameras on every block in Portland and watch the crime go down. Try it ,it works.

      1. Ashley says:

        Yes. Ilive here in PDX and it’s so bad here. We can’t go 1 day with out a murder or shooting. It’s out of control. I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if we had a serial killer on th3 loose. I use to love oregon but it’s so bad now, I can’t wait to move out of here

      2. David Bouyer says:

        Yes it would work GREAT it is proven in many different states and countries. Problem is then all of the people who manage this ciaos and clean up after them they would be out of a job. GET A CLUE PORTLAND!

      3. Cara Johnson says:

        There already are cameras up on every corner!!!

    2. Renee says:

      How do you know?
      And let’s hear fact’s Only!

    3. Rachel says:

      What makes u think the first one was an accident? I read that it was blunt force.

      1. Paulette Twiss says:

        Cameras on every corner seems to work in Vegas. Portland has a tremendous amount of unsolved murders. Las Vegas on the other hand not so many!

    4. TrustNoOne says:

      Since September of 2022 they have found 68 body’s threw out the metro area mainly by Delta Park and the SE Springwater Trail. 5 MALES AND 63 FEMALES. Not one word to the public. So yes I’d say we have a problem.

      1. Kathy says:

        Really ??! How do you know this? That is alot, why isn’t this more publicly known?

    5. Random pdx’er says:

      I’ve been living in my car in the streets of downtown Portland, and yes rumors are rumors. I get that. But for a few months now a lot of people on the streets have heard and said that there was a serial killer on the loose in Portland, but that officials weren’t telling anybody that. That’s what I heard.

  2. Andi says:

    Thats right he should’ve just been put to death we’re tired of paying taxes for these murders to enjoy the rest of there lives being housed and fed

    1. JJ Jones says:

      How could one possibly be so ill-informed….it cost many fold MORE for the State put someone to death and it does to leave them in a cell in prison until Jesus calls them home. That aside, you alleviate their suffering , ie if you kill them their punishment’s over at that moment. If you are, as you seem to be interested in Retributive Justice, then you’d want them to pend the rest of their lives in prison,indefinitely.

      1. Missie M says:

        I don’t know why everyone says it costs so much to put someone to death. Please explain. After they have 3 appeals if found guilty then put them to death next day.

      2. Closed Caption says:

        It costs approx. $3,500 for the “Death with Dignity Act” dose in comparison to the ginormous amount to keep over 2.1 million people imprisoned daily.. There must be a better way then to kill off people for killing people or privatizing prison$. But here we are perpetuating and entertaining the idea of non reform or total irony with a dash of Jesus somehow involved in a country that holds the highest prison rate without questioning the systemic issues.

  3. Jessica curtis says:

    And yet nobody is talking about the numerous body’s that have been found on the bike trails with no heads hands or feet 20bodys were found in 2 weeks some dating back a yr or more ppb confirms the body’s but won’t confirm it’s a serial killer weird..

    1. Janine Brown says:

      I haven’t heard about this where what city has this been happening in?

  4. Kim Green says:

    There are more than one in 1987 my sister was abducted and found a year and a half later out in scappoose on the logging road they had a full description of this gentleman and the making model of his car but yet they couldn’t find him and he lived in Portland Northeast Portland which is Mom really yeah so I’m still dealing with that trying to find this guy he drove a white Ford broncos that he lived in northeast Portland with his mom he picked up my sister on Grand and ivy on a Thursday afternoon he originally picked her up on Wednesday but didn’t want to do anything that day gave her some money and she said yes she would meet in the next day you’re a half later they found her bones out in scappoose on the logging road so if anybody out there sees a white Ford bronco please let somebody know with an older gentleman

    1. Anony says:

      Using .’s is your friend. Take a breath.

    2. Melony says:

      Using periods (.) commas(,) and capital letters (A) are really your friend. I’m out of breath just reading what you wrote.

  5. Davida Franks-Matthews says:

    It certainly needs to be looked into. I believe it could be a psycho crazed killer on the loose.

  6. Allison says:

    It wouldn’t be that far of a stretch to have a serial killer.I think it’ll come out eventually if there is one.

    1. jane doe says:

      what school did they go to

  7. Sophie D. says:

    Not so farfetched if you consider the times we are living in. Crime and evil people are the new norm and they have NO shame for their wicked ways. Disclaimer: I’m not a fictional type of person.

  8. Jodie Jones says:

    It’s the greatest Witch Hint in the entire history of the Universe (which is only 2500 years old). If only we could have seome with the worst Comb-over in the History of the Universe in charge, he’d put the bad guys into one of his properties …..

  9. Gizelle says:

    see this is the problem with our city they want to keep things hush hush and then when it has gotten out of hand then they want to start talking about it these women have families and i don’t care if they were homeless or not they were murdered and if we have a serial killer in our city it needs to be known to everyone in this city.

    1. Grace says:

      I feel it’s a group of ppl, using dark web,and possibly 100’s of victims…

      1. Jon says:

        There’s definitely multiple active serial killers in the pacific northwest. Government don’t say anything because they don’t want to scare the public. Its Stupid…

  10. Carrie says:

    This thought had already crossed my mind since the first and second girls were acquainted.