PDX woman demands free airplane seats due to excess weight – But does she have a point?

June 14, 2023 by 38 Comments

A prominent obese influencer is reaffirming her request for a more “inclusive” travel experience that accommodates individuals like herself who cannot comfortably fit into standard airline seats.

Based in Portland, Jae’lynn Chaney, who wears a size 6XL, is urging the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to revise its regulations and offer complimentary additional seating for larger passengers.

In a recent CNN interview, Chaney said, “People with smaller bodies get to pay one fare to get to their destination,” she said, “and we have to pay two fares, even though we’re getting the same experience. If anything, our experiences are a little bit more challenging. Plus-size people face hostility while traveling, and the negative stereotypes and prejudices are amplified when on planes,” she lamented, citing examples of “plus-size passengers having the armrests slammed down on them by other passengers simply because of their size.”

Back in April, she started an online petition that demanded ‘a uniform policy across all airlines, mandated by the FAA, requiring plus-size passengers to be accommodated for free or reimbursement.’ – Since then, said petition has had a staggering 20,000 signatures.

However, not everyone agrees. On Twitter, users wrote, “If you are using 4 seats, you should have to pay for 4 seats. I don’t see how this is controversial.” Whilst another added, “It is discriminatory, and some discrimination is perfectly fine. The world isn’t built to accommodate you. humans are amazing because we have such an amazing ability to adapt, use that.”

Overall, you could argue that this is quite a contentious issue. However, what do you think? Feel free to let us know.

38 Replies to “PDX woman demands free airplane seats due to excess weight – But does she have a point?”

  1. Jim Stachniewicz says:

    Hell NO the airline did not make her FAT!

    1. Michael Tweedy says:

      I flew on an Air Force transport converted into a reconnaissance platform, which teaches one about safety and hindrances to safety. Fortunately, the AF has weight standards and routinely gets rid of people who cannot make themselves conform. But when a plane has to ditch or crash-land, and that escape slide deploys, overweight people would hinder the escape of the others. Some Americans are so obese that the struggle to get down the aisle, and therefore would block the escape of normally sized passengers; many would not even fit through the over-wing hatch, presenting a danger for the rest of the passengers. So we should look at this important factor before even discussing their complaints about pricing or their comforts. This is particularly true for passengers flying in smaller passenger aircraft, which already have smaller seats and aisles. I was on one such flight from Pasco airport in eastern Washington, where all the passengers were staring at and worried about a morbidly obese woman. But fortunately, she had been required to purchase two seats, and to use a seat belt extension. I’m sure it was humiliating, but it should also be humiliating to weigh that much in the first place.

      I was happy that her problem did not become a problem for the rest of the passengers. But having seen her struggle just to negotiate the aisle to her two seats, I have always been thankful that there were no emergency situations, because everyone would have been forced to leave her behind, or to be further endangered by having her exit her seats, work her way down the aisle, and help push her through the escape hatch.

      Very large people are a a hazard on a commercial flight, and they should first think of that before complaining about the costs. Just making them pay for two seats should not be a complaint, considering that the would prevent a passenger from occupying the unsold adjacent seat. And remaining passengers should think of a contingency plan to avoid the morbidly obese passenger during an in-flight emergency.

      1. Mari says:

        Very reasonable response. I have often thought about the obese person and an emergency situation. There should be seat extender restrictions. If you don’t fit into a regular seatbelt you don’t fly!!!!

      2. Mark says:

        What the airlines should do is when meal time comes around skip her!

        1. Shariirey says:

          That is mean. Policy is one thing. Your suggestion is quite something else.

        2. Sandra says:

          That’s just a rude very unnecessary comment. That has nothing to do with this issue.

      3. Shirley says:

        That could happen in any case not just because they are big. So people that are old or people that have a disability should be charged double because an emergency they might slow you down.
        Michael need to learn about people of all sizes. Any person on a plane that’s going down is going to react differently and not because of their size . It’s because they are human .
        Even you might be slower then the person behind you. So you should be charged double too. Get off your high horse cause you’re not perfect either.

      4. Chelsi L says:

        Most accurate response I’ve seen anywhere yet!

      5. Shannon says:

        Everything you wrote in your comment is straight up true & exactly on point! It’s the Safety Issues that bother me. The airlines put weight limits on luggage, so why not have weight limits on adults…if an obese adult has great difficulty maneuvering up & down the aisle of the plane, then my safety is in jeopardy.

    2. Shirley says:

      No they didn’t , but some people are just naturally big.
      No matter what they do. It’s is discrimination because of their size.
      How would u like it if they said we have to charge u double because of the color of your skin or because you have a same sex lover. Its all Discrimination.
      Everyone on this kick about Black Lives Matter , when everyone lives matter. That includes big people too. Treated the same.
      Bing big isn’t a choice. it’s just in there biological gens.
      I’m sure you are not perfect either. Maybe u should be charge double because you think u are better. You need the extra seat for the big head of yours.

      1. E.R.Dyer says:

        People of a size that requires 2 seats to be comfortable are NOT naturally big!!! True in SOME cases weight is attributable to a medical problem,this however makes up a miniscule percentage of the obese population in this country.if your butt is so big that it takes up 2 seats, then you pay for to seats. Think of it this way,you’re assured 2 meals. I have little to no sympathy for those who want to cry discrimination for a condition of their own making,whether it be drugs,health problems from smoking, alcoholism, for example and obesity. Now you want preferential treatment. No NO No!

    3. Tomas says:

      Maybe the airlines should charge passengers by the pound and see if she would still complain about having to pay more because she is so heavy

    4. Dean says:

      Don’t people pay extra for having excess baggage?

    5. Linda Merz says:

      My concern is that the plane might not stay in the air. I know that sounds cruel, but let’s get real folks. I am so disgusted with all this insanity. Fight for something legit. There is a lot of pain out therem

  2. Julie says:

    Only if the airlines are also made to remove the seat in front of me to provide me enough space to stretch out my long legs hahaha!!

    1. KJ DeFord says:

      Exactly! You should pay per seat!

  3. Sue says:

    I know life is challenging when someone is so terribly overweight, but in spite of me thinking airlines have some major flaws and tkts have gone way to high, each seat has a price, and each seat should be paid for! It’s like asking a grocery store to let someone get a 2 for 1 on all their groceries because they eat too much.

  4. Scott Farmer says:

    She needs to pay for the seats she has to occupy. Traveling by plane is by any means a business so like any company which is trying to make a profit the airline has to charge the person who is flying and using the benefit of this business. The company should not have to lose money because of a personal life choice of being obese.

    1. Gw says:

      If you are traveling with a toddler you must purchase a seat for the child’s safety and not allowed to hold them they must have their own designated seat. If a parent has to purchase another seat for a child then so shouldn’t any passenger requiring an additional seat. If medical reasons makes it necessary for me to occupy two seats then I would willingly pay for the additional seat. If your using more than one seat then you should be paying for what your using plain and simple.

  5. Lynan says:

    I have been in the travel industry for over 40 years & have seen the airlines not only shrink the size of their seats but also the size between rows to a rediculous minimum, while Americans are not only getting larger but much taller as well. They need to increase their regulations to make it more reasonable for a minimum of comfort but also for safety!

  6. Jayne says:

    Airplanes are not designed for anyone’s comfort. The lack of space for the average citizen who cannot afford to pay for first class is appalling. If you have enough money you will be treated humanely. If not, comfort is not a goal of any airline. Everyone deserves reasonable comfortable accommodations.

    1. Melanie says:

      Well said, Jayne.

  7. Julie. says:

    No way. Indeed, the airline company didn’t make her fat.

  8. linda says:

    Who of you can speak to the cause of her size? There are so many reasons other than overeating. Condemnation without education speaks more about your character than her size says about her. If it was in her power, a weight loss program could fix her problem too bad there is no hope for yours.

  9. KGEL says:

    Yes, there are morbidly obese people from their own actions but so too are there very large people who are naturally just large people (ie some sports & entertainment people come to mind).

    If we are going to accommodate the different sects of any of our population (wheel chair bound, etc), why not unusually large humans?

    What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.

    Just a thought.

  10. David says:

    She too fat too fly
    She cannot fly and she will die if she does not loose weight
    Stop putting food in your pie hole
    And stop complaining about your problems

  11. Ron Bernier says:

    Andre the giant had the same problem, he bought an extra seat.

  12. Karen says:

    Two seats for the price of one – absolutely not! There are sooooo many reasons why!! And where would the line be drawn – who decides who is too big for one seat & gets the one next to them for free? Flights are almost always totally booked these days – the airlines can sell EVERY seat! They shouldn’t have to lose money just because people are obese!

  13. Nancy says:

    I agree with the above comments. I was once extremely overweight and by the grace of God, I lost a large amount of it. It took extreme work! However, I know how I had felt in her situation but anyone taking 2 seats means 1 person may not be able to a passenger that requires 2 seats.
    I feel bad for her more than I can say but if everyone took 2 seats only 1/2 the passengers could be on the plane.
    Airlines cannot afford to loose the revenue.
    If she were to need CPR or have a problem, they couldn’t lay her down in the isle and recessatate her! Obese persons place themselves in danger of blood clots from an hour or hours because they are unable to get up and move in the airplane. Everyone is at risk in that way. I can’t give advise to anyone else but that was my experience. God bless this woman.
    A great way to travel is by rail! More room and much less risk. You can see parts of the country not seen from the road and you can enjoy meeting new people!

  14. Jennifer says:

    I think Nancy said it Best!
    I totally agree with every word she said due to her own experience on the subject…

    1. Eric says:

      Sorry but if my butt takes two seats to sit then it’s my problem and not the airlines. I realize there are medical conditions that can cause this, but again it’s not the airlines problem. You don’t HAVE to fly. It’s a choice.

  15. Lynn says:

    It’s challenging to travel on a plane as an obese person; however, one shouldn’t be expected to get a free seat just because they are obese, just like a skinny person shouldn’t get a free seat just because they can’t fill the entire seat. When we travel, we’re expected to weigh our luggage during check-in; if our baggage is heavier than the allotted amount, we’re expected to pay more for the weight; or we can take the pieces of stuff out of the luggage and lighten it. Similarly, on the plane, if you require two seats, you should have to pay for the extra seat. The rules are acceptable the way it is, and airlines shouldn’t have to provide a free seat for an obese person, just like airlines shouldn’t have to waive a seat charge for a skinny person. I don’t recall booking a flight online where an airline asks you to enter your weight to determine your ticket’s final cost, and it shouldn’t start now.

  16. Sandra says:

    I was 414 pounds! I was humiliated by this fact- yes I made myself that size no need for comments. I have since become a “skinny” person , I couldn’t afford to pay for two seats but I understand everyone and everything said. I halfway agree but I still feel bad for this woman. BUT THAT SAID the airline owes her absolutely nothing, if they say you pay for two seats pay up or don’t fly. I’m sorry if that’s harsh but her size is extremely large and she has to understand she doesn’t have right to special treatment because of it. And my motto is “ your tight end where mine begin” and someone how overflows the seat is definitely infringing on my right to the whole seat I purchased. And definitely the safety concerns addressed are ultimately important her large passengers as well as the “ normal “ size.

    1. Marie says:

      What would happen if the flight was totally booked and an obese person shows up to board the flight asking for two seats….or being told they have to pay for two seat? Is someone going to get bumped off the flight because of that obese person? Or is the obese person going to have to take another flight. Or is the obese person going to try to squeeze into one seat making the person next to them extremely uncomfortable? I don’t like it when I fly and the person next to me is touching me. Fortunately I am able to fly first class and avoid that situation. I doubt the obese person requested a second seat when booking their flight online.

  17. Ash says:

    I have children. It’s difficult to fly with children and more expensive as I have to purchase their seats. It’s not fair I have to pay for seats for children and single people only pay for themselves. See how dumb that sounds? The world isn’t fair but paying for each seat you use is literally the fairest thing in the world. Only a delusional and entitled mindset says otherwise. We all face struggles, you’re not special because yours is visible. People need to stop being victims and start being victors.

    Whoever has ever gotten off a plane and thought to themselves, wow amazing and so comfortable, great food, five stars. You are also delusional. Airplanes should be more comfortable.

  18. Dolly Specht says:

    I’m very sympathetic to your situation, BUT NO. In this case this is a consumer issue. The charge is PER SEAT, not PER PASSENGER. If you go to a restaurant, do you expect extra servings for the same price just because you can consume more?
    It’s unfortunate that the experience for you is not equal, but to expect/petition/require regulations to be changed to accommodate the needs of those who do not fit is not APPROPRIATE. Save up and buy FIRST CLASS – those seats are larger.
    Please remember that flying is A PRIVILEGE, NOT an entitlement. Adjust accordingly.
    This is NOT a case of INCLUSION or discrimination. It is a simple case of PAY for what you use.

  19. Paulette Holley says:

    Sometimes I book first class because of the room and comfort. Lately I have found that first class doesn’t mean having the extra care and pampering it used to. Lately first class just means a little extra room for extra $$. That being said, the times I haven’t booked first class, I end up sitting next to some woman who spills onto my seat. I don’t like to touch people, but it’s unavoidable. When I spent the most uncomfortable time sitting next to them, I leaned away from them for the entire flight because there was no room. I walked away feeling cramped and stiff. I don’t care how it’s done, for the sake of the overweight passenger and the thinner person, give or sell them an extra seat.