Photo shows iconic Satyricon Portland Nightclub finally demolished – but what replaced it?

March 14, 2023 by No Comments

If you’re old enough to remember the Satyricon nightclub in Portland, then you may have fond memories of dancing the night away in what was undoubtedly one of Portland’s most iconic music venues. Originally opened in 1983, it was often referred to as ‘the first Punk club in Western America’ and had lots of interesting stories involving sex, drugs, and rock and roll (literally).

For instance, according to lore, this is where Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love originally met. Similarly, it’s also where the Foo Fighters were meant to play their first gig. Understandably then, the Satyricon has a warm place in many Portlanders’ hearts.

However, all things come to an end, and father time catches up with everything. In 2010, the nightclub finally closed its doors for good – and was demolished one year later. Due to its cult status, there were even rumors of certain Satyricon artifacts being looted around this time, which may or may not have been an urban legend.

So, what happened next?

According to Google, it was replaced with two new buildings. The first was the Maybelle Center for Community, whilst the second building was turned into affordable apartments. As seen below, the buildings look pretty nice, but obviously lack the original charm of the Satyricon.

So, hopefully this article has scratched a few people’s nostalgic itches! On the one hand, it’s sad to see such a legendary venue close, but on a more realistic note – it was probably for the best. Thankfully, Portland still has a vibrant music scene that is still thriving to this day.