Piña Coladas

December 18, 2022 by No Comments

Here’s how you know it was a good weekend: I am almost nodding off as I type this. IT’S 9:45 P.M. College me would not recognize me.

Dave and I spent the weekend cooking delicious foods, as usual, and cleaning house – every once and a while we need to cleanse some accumulated junk. Well, this time we cleansed a LOT of accumulated junk – old wires, duplicate kitchen items and boxes from old stuff we bought that we just never threw away. Truly, it was only 1 or 2 boxes that we took to Goodwill, but our basement looks so nice right now! We also went to see Guardians of the Galaxy, which was a ton of fun, and you should absolutely go see it.

I look forward to doing these cocktail posts because I almost always do them on Sunday evenings, after a couple of days of busy fun. Dave and I usually enjoy them while we make something fun for dinner together, listening to podcasts in the kitchen and savoring the last bit of the weekend.

We enjoyed these piña coladas while we cooked up something very special coming up in a post later this week (If you are the kind of person who knows what sport peppers are, then you will be very happy).

I could drink another one of these right this second.

I know I’ll wish for these dog days of summer when the rain comes back, but it’s hard not to feel the heat now. At least we can wash them down with a freezing cold adult beverage, right?

Here’s what you need, per serving:
6 oz. pineapple juice
2 oz. light rum
2 oz. coconut cream
1 cup ice
maraschino cherry for garish, and if you have it on you, a hunk of pineapple is nice, too.

Blend the pineapple juice, rum, coconut cream and ice together until smoothish. Pour mixture into a highball glass and serve with a maraschino cherry.