Pink Pineapples are now being sold in St. Louis – But are they TOO expensive?

June 30, 2023 by 1 Comment

Kirkwood Farmer Market in St. Louis are now selling Pink Pineapples. Now, don’t be alarmed if you haven’t heard of Pink Pineapples before – this is because they’re quite a rarity. And no, this isn’t some kind of dye or marketing gimmick either. It just means they’re like regular pineapples that have been harvested differently.

Because of this, they sound pretty enticing. However, there is one catch – and this is the price. As seen in the image below, these are being sold at a whopping $14.99 which is substantially more when compared to a normal pineapple. So, are they worth it or is it a rip-off?

Firstly, it’s not just the look. These are actually sweeter and more nutritious types of pineapple. Obviously, there’s also the element of supply and demand which will also raise prices. However, not everyone was convinced.

Speaking on social media, one St. Louisan said: “Haha, I will stick with the non-genetically engineered Aldi one for $1.79.” while another added “I felt bad when I bought one from the grocery store last summer for $5.99 because I figured it was just gimmicky but I was too curious not to find out. Definitely wouldn’t pay $15 for one.”

In short, the consensus is that most people in St. Louis would not pay this for a pineapple and would rather buy normal ones. Having said this – if you have the money then why not? As mentioned, these are designed to taste better while also maintaining their health benefits. However, for most people this price just seems too unrealistic and is more of a novelty than a serious purchase.

One Reply to “Pink Pineapples are now being sold in St. Louis – But are they TOO expensive?”

  1. Carla G.K. says:

    This is another way to rip the people off