Pittsburgh Locals ‘Fed up’ with selfish drivers using left lane dangerously

June 30, 2023 by 6 Comments

A photo recently went viral that led to Pittsburgh locals venting their frustrations with selfish drivers who used the left lane to dangerously merge into the right. This is not only illegal and dangerous – but it’s also highly selfish.

The picture in question was taken on the 376S, whereby the photographer claimed they had waited over 20 minutes in the 279 to get onto the Fort Pitt Bridge. Once they got to the bridge, countless other drivers started cutting the line from the left, which only added to the slow traffic – and could have caused car accidents too.

As seen, a number of cars have cut across from the left, which isn’t what this lane is meant for. Having said this, a lot of people didn’t blame the drivers – and instead claimed it was a horrible design fault which meant the blame should lie with the city planners.

One Pittsburgh resident said: “The worst part is that this was an intentional design choice. Those crossovers are nothing but accidents waiting to happen” which was backed up by another saying, “The worst part is that this was an intentional design choice. Those crossovers are nothing but accidents waiting to happen.”

At the same time, there are few realistic solutions going forward and this design was probably built out of force rather than choice, due to the lack of space in the area. Unfortunately, it looks like one of those things that will forever be an inconvenience. Interestingly, it’s also up for debate as to who is in the wrong, and the reality is – we may never know who the blame should lie with.

6 Replies to “Pittsburgh Locals ‘Fed up’ with selfish drivers using left lane dangerously”

  1. Ironman says:

    Y’all need to have a discussion with penndot you have I279 and I 376 merging there the people coming from 279 have no choice but to merge from the left piss poor road design is not these drivers fault get over it place the blame squarely where it belongs penndot civil engineers

    1. Ed says:

      Have a little patience and show some mercy in this awful merge area.

  2. Carl Lempke says:

    Separate the lanes if you don’t want people crossing into lanes from the left. Why would I want to wait 20 min in line on a 4 lane highway?

    1. Mary B says:

      It’s a 2 lane highway on the Left with Right lane Exit to the Right over 2 lanes toward McKees Rocks and have Right of way. 2 Right lanes merging with Stops and Yields 1-2 lanes left to tunnel or 0-1 lane Right exit.
      Solution-Remove the inside merge lane OR a traffic signal alter the 2 releases of the Merging lanes.
      Be Wise on North Side proceed 0.5 miles on to long expansive exit and light controlled crossing of the West End Bridge?
      Farthest Right entrance ramp required to exit at peak hours like Liberty bridge and place cones to direct exiting along with the highway exiting can not cut off entrance ramp traffic as close and dangerous.

      Entrance ramp at bridge onto fast lane of Highway removed at peak hours to not cross 3 lanes to exit bridge and post signage and require left lane highway no lane change must accelerate into tunnel only. For Heaven sakes use your signals all the time waiting to remember to communicate at minimum mess.
      Something more than ignore to test out if anyone is reading!!!

  3. L.A.Z. says:

    All of Pittsburgh street designs suck. It’s a mess where ever I try to go in the city. I just moved here 3 years ago and still can’t get the hang of the roads. Neither can my GPS.

    1. Chuck says:

      From what I understand that when it was designed in the fifties or sixties the fort Pitt that is. There were a lot less cars and they didn’t think about the future where there is hell of a lot more cars and dumb drivers. The beef I have is the people that break at the tunnel and there is a sign that says maintain speed through tunnel.