Plan to pedestrianize Portland side massively divides residents – which side are you on?

March 31, 2023 by 5 Comments

A divisive mock-map was recently posted to social media which showed Portland potentially being pedestrianized.

This map was based on certain streets being carved up into local spaces, which has proved to split critics down the middle. On the one hand, some are claiming that the Portland streets need more green areas and places for people to relax. On the other hand, some claim that these places also cause congestion to already-congested areas.

Comments in favor of the idea said, “This. We don’t need bike lanes on Hawthorne–I prefer Greenways for that (and I bike a lot). But a streetcar there would be amazing! I’ve been saying this for a few months now after watching notjustbikes on YouTube” and “If they built this out, I’d never need to make a car or insurance payment again. It’s beautiful.”

However, those opposing the idea said “That would require a big change of habit at the individual level that I don’t think enough people want. Most people would rather just sit in a car in order to get around.” and “I love this idea BUT the traffic in this city is already so bad that blocking off a bunch of streets would only make it worse. Of course, if we assumed this reduced car traffic, maybe that would offset it. I just don’t think we can assume that.”

It’s fair to say that this has proved a real talking point amongst PDX locals. However, whether it gets put into a reality remains to be seen. Based on some of the comments, this is a possibility. However, based on others – this won’t be happening for the foreseeable future.

5 Replies to “Plan to pedestrianize Portland side massively divides residents – which side are you on?”

  1. Greg Beard says:

    I will back what conservatives want, reason being is liberal logic is killing everything they touch and people need to put up walls on anything they try, look at what’s happening around the world !! We are not well under liberal logic, it has become a crisis !!!

    1. Maddy says:

      That’s exactly why were in our current political climate in this country. “I will back what conservatives want, reason being liberals, blah, blah…” Because too many people in the US, on the right and the left as well, do precisely. Just blindly back whatever the (insert group here) want. People no longer think critically, and come to their own conclusion after learning as much as they can about the subject. They just watch a couple of YouTube videos and line up behind whichever group said something that caught their attention for a minute.

  2. john says:

    Portland’s problems are a result of poor leadership and greed, anyone remember the 70’sj

  3. James says:

    Tolls on I-5 is going to force more traffic onto already crowded arterials, freeways is the best place for cars, when they exit the freeway they should remain on the arterials until they are very close to where they are going. Over crowded arterials forces traffic to cut through small neighborhood streets. I have no problem limiting through traffic on neighborhood streets. I can’t do anything about expanding freeway capacity.

  4. Alan says:

    I am planning on dealing with Portland the old fashion way as noted by Comrade Lenin, by voting with my feet. Tolls on Interstate bridges, bike lanes for non existent bikes, a capital, or here, a capitalist pig tax soon to be voted on for Portland that doesn’t state it excludes real estate, means the time is now to go while you can. I do not live in Portland I confess but works here as many of my friends who already live N of the Columbia but will be hit with the bridge toll for traffic based fare may not want to work here any more if it cost $50/week to cross at certain times. I do live in Oregon once the best state in the country and Portland once the best city in the country