Politician Joe Kent blasts Portland for Pride flag – Sparks HEATED debate

June 9, 2023 by No Comments

This week saw the Republican politician Joe Kent blast the VA Portland Hospital and labeled it a ‘disgrace’ on his personal Twitter account. Here, he wrote, “This is a disgrace. The VA or any US government facility shouldn’t display the sexual preference alphabet flag, especially with the American flag & POW/MIA flag. Gut every penny of woke funding from the US Gov.”

It’s no secret that Kent is a proud Republican and has certain right-wing views which he is clearly vocal about. The flag in question can be seen in the picture below and is the LGBTQ+ pride rainbow flag. Clearly, Kent was not happy with its appearance outside the VA hospital.

This comment sparked a lot of debate from either side of the political spectrum – with some praising his comments, whereas others were quick to disagree. One wrote, “Make them fly the Christian flag next” and “Sad country we’re in now.”

At the same time, not everyone agreed – with others adding, “Oh boo-hoo”, and “Well, Joe, just like every private citizen, you’re entitled to an opinion. It’s meaningless, but you’re entitled to it. If a flag triggers you this hard, it’s understandable why we the voters of WA rejected you.”

Now, whilst Joe Kent is obviously entitled to his opinion, it does seem a bit odd that a politician from a different state was so passionate in criticizing a hospital in Portland. Not only this but irrespective of your thoughts on a gay pride flag – it does seem a bit extreme considering some of the major problems this country currently faces such as drug and economic problems. Nonetheless, if nothing else, his tweets show yet more divisions within the United States of America.