Portland car thieves named & shamed after owner uses detective skills to recover truck

July 3, 2023 by 8 Comments

Yesterday, a wild story unfolded where a Portland resident’s truck was stolen from S.E. Taylor and 8th. After briefly leaving their car, they noticed minutes later that its window had been smashed. Moments later (after leaving it again), it had disappeared. This also contained his PC in a bag, which had the ‘find my phone’ software on it.

After this, the man then called his friend who located the bag at a homeless camp on the west side of Morrison Bridge. After hours of a dead signal, they then got another signal later on in the day which alerted them to an apartment block on 102 and burnside. Here, two homeless people were slumped in the seats, sleeping.

The victim then used their quick wits to barricade the truck in with a van, before calling the cops. At this point, the car thieves fled and the truck (alongside the laptop) was returned to the rightful owner. Overall, this had a happy ending and as seen, it was a nice, expensive vehicle too. While doing vigilante work isn’t recommended, sometimes if you do go a little off script, it can work out well.

It also serves as quite an interesting story, and at one point the laptop signal went dead, only to return hours later. Although it may have been easier (and safer) to call the cops earlier on, this shows the lack of public trust in the Portland police department, and that sometimes you’re forced into playing Starsky and Hutch!

8 Replies to “Portland car thieves named & shamed after owner uses detective skills to recover truck”

  1. Cynthia says:

    Awesome I post alot with others on PNW Stolen cars on FB. I’m glad you got it back and glad you are ok.

  2. Patti Nearing says:

    WELL DONE !!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  3. Craig says:

    The Portland Police won’t respond when called anyway.

    1. Johnboy says:

      That’s because you defunded them because you believe George Floyd was a hero.

      1. Magz says:

        No one defunded the police get over it

  4. Jim Felt says:

    Maybe if Portland had 15% less keyboard-centric bureaucrats and 30-40% more sworn officers and well paid prosecutors we’d be way ahead of this particular debacle. And likely still have a net personnel cost savings.

  5. Kelly says:

    See if it was me i would have shot them then leave them and just drive of or called the police and leave a weapon on them

  6. AJ says:

    FYI — my car was stolen in spring 2022 (from my driveway, I might add!). Portland police did a great job and found it a couple days later (and, yes, near a homeless camp as well).