Portland Group plans to block traffic on June 30th in protest against PBOT

June 27, 2023 by No Comments

If you’re traveling in Portland’s Division Street on June 30th then you may be in trouble. This is because there’s a planned protest by a group named ‘PDX Positive Impact’. According to a recent Twitter post, this group opposes PBOT’s (Portland Bureau of Transportation) plans to add street improvements.

According to the Tweet, the group will be marching along bus and bike lanes from 112th to 122nd. This march will take place on Friday, at 2-6PM. The protest is dubbed ‘Just say no to PBOT’ and is apparently due to PBOT’s ‘war on cars’ due to the push for more cycling and bus lanes. Whether you’re for or against PDX Positive Impact, you still have to appreciate the irony in a pro-car group doing a protest on feet.

On Twitter, Portland locals had their say and most were against the PDX protest group, with one user replying, “Haha. What do you really think this will solve? Embrace public transportation and stop being so selfish.” Elsewhere, another person chimed in, writing “Tell me you’re a Karen without telling me a Karen. If you don’t like public transit or bicyclists, you chose the wrong city to live in. We don’t need you.”

While this may sound overly critical, there is some truth in the last statement. Surely if you want a city that relies more on cars, then Portland is not the one. Based on the social media response, it will be interesting to see how many people actually attend this protest – as going by the online reactions, most people are firmly against it.