Portland ‘Karen’ accused of being a Snowflake over faux outrage regarding kid’s ‘Graffiti’

May 8, 2023 by 6 Comments

Yesterday saw a funny exchange take place over social media – regarding a VERY angry resident and their faux outrage over the use of chalk on the ground. This took place in a Portland park and as seen, the terrain doesn’t even look residential. Nonetheless, some people truly do get offended by almost anything it seems! As seen below, you can see the chalk drawing in question, which was probably done by a 5 year old:

So, even though this started out as a bit of innocent fun, someone was not happy. Here’s a screenshot of the exchange:

Here, the aforementioned ‘Karen’ said, “This is disgusting and a disgrace to the hard-working people of Portland! It would be interesting to see if this can be removed or whether it’s permanent. No wonder our once beautiful country is going down the toilet…”

Fortunately, someone stepped in to put them in their place and point out that this wasn’t a big issue. It’s also interesting to see how quickly people can get outraged. Thankfully, this seems a rarity in Portland (for the most part).

6 Replies to “Portland ‘Karen’ accused of being a Snowflake over faux outrage regarding kid’s ‘Graffiti’”

  1. Myles says:

    Why? This is very bizarre and needs to stop.

    1. carol brandt says:


  2. Yvonne McKinney says:

    Let’s build a wall around Portland to prevent all the mentally ill folks from escaping.. like in the movie “Esc@pe From New York.

  3. Scott Lusk says:

    Angry much?

  4. Ruth says:

    There’s nothing wrong with sidewalk chalk art. It’s temporary and washes off with water. People these days find any little reason to get upset. Just enjoy the art and let kids be kids. I’d rather know the kids are outside drawing on the sidewalk with chalk instead of being inside with a screen in front of their faces. Life is short and this is not worth the cortisol created in your body from getting upset over it.

    1. txnfoster says:

      Is this a joke?