Portland Light Pole Removal Sign Vandalized By Angry Resident

March 12, 2023 by 1 Comment

This week saw an angry Portland resident vandalize a light pole removal sign that was put up by the city’s parks and recreation group. The sign originally read “Light Pole Safety Project” but was written over, saying “Historical Light Pole Project – Permanent Removal.”

Obviously, whoever wrote this wasn’t happy with the project, and also added their own ‘alternative fix’ at the bottom of the sign – which mentioned structural methods to solidify the poles, as opposed to their removal, as well as another piece of graffiti which read “Better and less expensive options exist.”

The sign is based on the removal of 243 light poles across 12 parks in the city. The justification of this removal is due to public safety, which dates back to an incident last year in 2022. Here, two people including a boy were crushed when a pole fell down on them, whilst the pole was being used to prop up a makeshift hammock.

Since then, Portland natives have voiced their annoyance with the pole removal which are seen by many as part of the rich culture and tradition of the city. On the other hand, others have also questioned whether they are actually safe after all and whether they pose a safety threat to the general public.

One Reply to “Portland Light Pole Removal Sign Vandalized By Angry Resident”

  1. Rosalie Stirling says:

    Why are we catering to those who don’t use common sense, leave the poles alone .