Portland locals name their most HATED PDX streets

June 11, 2023 by 2 Comments

In a recent discussion on social media, Portland locals discussed their most hated streets in the city. Before continuing, it should be noted that these streets weren’t based on anything in particular, other than personal hatred. So, it wasn’t a bashing of poor neighborhoods or dangerous areas either – and instead had more of a fun undertone, compared to anything serious. Anyway, here are what the locals had to say:

“Not really a single street, but SW Broadway turning onto SW 6th where it gets onto 405 N. Nobody is ever where they need to be, people cutting across and cutting in.

Same going the opposite way in that area coming off 405 South. It’s Broadway, now it’s 5th, now it’s Sheridan. Oh, you wanted to get to the Ross Island bridge? Too bad! Wrong lane and can’t get over so now you’re turning onto Barbur.” – Others were quick to bash the 405 on-ramp due to its sheer busy nature, which seemed to be the main theme of the conversation as many didn’t like navigating it during rush hour.

Whilst not a street, another area of the city that was universally hated was certain intersections, as one person wrote, “Not as much a street as a couple of intersections: That mess at NE Sandy-39th/Cesar Chavez-Broadway. The Six Corners mess where Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Oleson, and Scholls Ferry all come together.” It’s no secret that Portland does have some busy (and sometimes dangerous) intersections such as SE 20th which is known for collisions.

Lastly, others were quick to point out their dislike of Sandy due to its confusing layout which was hard to navigate. So, despite Portland having a pretty good public transport system, it seems that many people were still not very happy with certain areas of the city. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and if there’s any streets you’d like to comment on.

2 Replies to “Portland locals name their most HATED PDX streets”

  1. Michael Ray says:

    Hilarious! I guess I should be grateful I know how to drive and read signs. Apparently, not everyone does.

  2. Julie Coates says:

    Oh, be careful superior one. Pride goeth before a fall, or a crash.