Portland reacts to INCREDIBLE day of biblical storms

May 9, 2023 by 3 Comments

Unless you live under a rock, you probably noticed the biblical storm that engulfed Portland yesterday. This included torrential rain, lightning, and also flooding. In true PDX fashion, just a day or so before, the weather was looking lovely – with trees and flowers in bloom and plenty of sunshine. Then, the storm happened and the rain came. Even by Portland standards of rain – this was truly something to behold.

As seen in the picture above, the rain is so heavy that it almost made driving through the street impossible due to the sheer amount of water flooding. Speaking on social media, locals said:

“The cycle repeats itself again. At least free wash rather than the gooey rotten flowers. And really, perfect timing.”

“The view was amazing on my way to work. It was dumping buckets of rain on my drive through Milwaukee.”

Anyway, it seems as though the storm has finally stopped…at least for now. Until next time, which knowing Portland – may just be around the corner as far as strange weather is concerned.

3 Replies to “Portland reacts to INCREDIBLE day of biblical storms”

  1. Jeffrey says:

    Well my friends welcome to Oregon Portland and vicinity God’s country those who don’t like changing sudden change as far as the weather should not be here what happens is this is God’s blessing in cleansing and washing away all the ugliness pollution dirt making their fresh the surroundings green it’s very pleasant I’ll never leave this area to great northwest I will die here God bless Mother Nature and to all who appreciate what we have to be safe for

  2. Di says:

    And now wait for the quake

    1. Jim says:

      don’t forget the swarms of locusts that will be sure to come.