Portland Shopper Feels WHITE PRIVILEGE At New Seasons – But Does He Have A Point?

May 6, 2023 by 5 Comments

We all know that New Seasons is one of the most expensive grocery stores in the state, and probably the country. However petty the complaint may seem, how would you feel if a cashier were to regularly comment on the price of products that you buy? Is it appropriate? or just some harmless conversation?

For those unaware, New Seasons offers a variety of high-quality and specialty products, including organic and locally sourced items – therefore it generally costs considerably more than other stores within the state.

The complaint written by an anonymous customer immediately outlines that (s)he does not want anyone to get reprimanded, which clearly means he has not made this complaint out of vitriol or spite. The customer also reiterates that 99% of the time, the staff are wonderful.

However, if you read the note fully, you can see the customers mindset and insecurities come in to full view. The sentence “I already feel my white privilege enough as I shop at grocers like your own, I don’t need the reminder” is rather unusual.

This is obviously quite a strange thing to say as plenty of non-whites shop at New Seasons. Afterall, Portland is 73.8% white and only 5.6% black, so it would make sense that you would see far more white people in the store. You may agree or disagree with the entire notion of white privilege, but shopping at New Seasons and buying CBD infused honey for $20 doesn’t really have much to do with it. If the customer genuinely felt this bad, they could shop in a different store or donate some of their money to a worthwhile cause.

The response from the manager Jonathan is well-written and appropriate. He claims that commenting on the price of a product is always unnecessary – which is true and also likely very bad for business.

Do you think the customer was right to complain about this? Or are they making a mountain out of a mole hill?

5 Replies to “Portland Shopper Feels WHITE PRIVILEGE At New Seasons – But Does He Have A Point?”

  1. KJ DeFord says:

    Ridiculous- white privilege- not a thing. I’ve worked hard to be able to live comfortably. I would love to be able to do better and that gives me goals to attain and I work harder. I believe all people have the same possibilities. I could care less what color you are! I grew up painfully poor- it was my decision to change my life. I’ve made mistakes, paid for them and moved forward.

  2. Kyle Durbin says:

    I think a lot of people are looking for things to”bring up” there’s probably no predudice at all just a misunderstood intention. So many white people feel guilty because of past ways whites treated minority’s.Its got them overcompensating. Which unfortunately a form of predudice. Just treat everyone the same not “according” to their skin color etc. I think it would eventually be a no thinker. Love is the only thing you get more of by giving it away

  3. sumaiyya evans says:

    Just think WE won’t have these problems of classist, racism, homophobia when We are all dead from GLOBAL WARMING

    1. Nae Nae says:

      I agree with you!

  4. Billy squire says:

    I have definitely felt like the writer of this complaint. I am a 34 year old skateboarder who is Hispanic and all the time, I get met with weird stares, been followed around the store and feel like I don’t receive the same help when having trouble finding something, as say a white middle aged woman. It’s frustrating sad and disappointing