Portland train station robber NAILED by local hero

June 7, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, footage was recorded inside the inner workings of the Portland train station. Here, an alleged thief was seen running after a lone woman. The man in question was supposedly trying to mug her – and as seen in the footage below, her handbag was clearly in sight.

The woman was clearly distressed and looked to be cornered. But then, a local hero came out of nowhere and tackled the aggressor to the ground. This was an NFL-esque body check which sent the mugger to the floor in the process. Before the footage ends, the cameraman briefly zoomed out to show the hero was in fact a skateboarder.

Understandably, Twitter users were quick to praise the skater and said “Kudos to the guardian angel”, and “Stopped behind the line of scrimmage.”

One local even said “We need more of this. People need to stop just watching crimes happen.” Now, vigilantism can sometimes end badly. However, in this case it looks spot on – and the Twittersphere were clearly impressed by the unnamed skater. Having said this, some remained skeptical and questioned whether it was staged, due to the convenience of the camera work. For those wondering, this was meant to take place at the Washington Park Zoo stop.