Portland weather forecast highlights just how crazy the weather can be!

April 3, 2023 by 2 Comments

If you’ve lived in Portland long enough, then you’ll be well aware of how volatile the weather here can be! In fact, you could say that was a bit of an understatement. In short, the weather isn’t exactly predictable and is far from it…as seen by this image below which sums it up.

In a mere ten days, the Portland weather has gone from 47 degrees with a 90% chance of rain, to a sweltering 78 degrees with sunny, hot weather. Sadly, this is the norm for Portland which has gained a reputation as one of the craziest places in America, as far as its weather is concerned.

For sun worshippers though, there is good news. With July now in sight, the summer is on its way and the days of rain and coldness will soon be behind us. Well, I can’t say that with full certainty, as this is Portland after all. Nonetheless, you get my point and hopefully hotter days aren’t far away. Until then, we’ve also been predicted thunderstorms in April, so perhaps the bizarre weather isn’t over just yet.

Oh well, I suppose it’s better than living in Alaska!

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