Pricing gaffe sums up this Pittsburgh store’s incompetence in one photo

July 9, 2023 by 1 Comment

A photo recently went viral which highlighted the sheer incompetence of one particular store based in Pittsburgh. This showed a bag of crispy crowns on offer. The original price was $4.79 – but the sale price was $5.99. It goes without saying that a sale should be less than the original offer, and not 25% higher than the original cost!

Although this may look innocuous to begin with, if you think about it – this sort of gaffe requires a calamity of errors to reach the physical store. Firstly, someone has to print the actual sticker, to begin with and not notice the mistake, then someone has to actually put it next to the desired item while also not realizing the mistake. So, where did this error take place?

For those wondering, this happened at a Giant Eagle store in Pittsburgh and according to an ex-employee, these sorts of mistakes happen more than you’d think. Responding on social media, they wrote, “That happens all the time, and in fact they might give you a gift card for finding it because they don’t want things like this to happen.”

Based on this, it would be interesting to see whether these prices are actually honored or not. In other words, are customers required to the extra price, or is the original (non-discounted) number the actual price when paying? On a final note, always remember to check out prices when buying to avoid getting stung.

One Reply to “Pricing gaffe sums up this Pittsburgh store’s incompetence in one photo”

  1. Laura says:

    So did anyone check what price would ring up? That would have made the story better. And your article has a good point about checking prices although at the check out while unloaded your cart then scanning the items plus bagging, remembering each price of a cart full of items is difficult. I wish we had more grocery store options. Giant Eagle seems to be the dominant chain and their produce is old and rotten.