Rainbow Park removes beloved Roller Slide just 1 year after its installment due to noise complaints

June 20, 2023 by No Comments

In what has been described as ‘one of the most Vancouver things ever’, the beloved Roller Slide has been removed from Rainbow Park and has currently been replaced with a massive hole in the ground. This slide was literally installed for less than one year. So, what happened?

Apparently, it was removed due to local news complaints. This is due to the build of the slide – which has metal rollers running down it. So, every time someone went down it, the metal would hit each other and make a loud noise. However, for fans of Rainbow Park fear not! This is because the demolition sign promises ‘another play feature’ which could possibly mean a replacement slide or something similar.

During its one year in the park, the slide quickly gained cult status amongst Vancouver residents. Ironically, this wasn’t due to the noise either. Instead, people often mentioned how painful it was, due to the metal rollers hitting your body whenever you used it.

Locals were also quick to point out further irony, claiming “It wasn’t that long ago that we had a mayor, Sam Sullivan, who complained about the sirens of emergency vehicles waking him up and ordered that to change.” and “It’s downtown, who expects quiet?!”

In fairness, these are both valid points. Once again, this can be chalked up to our opening comment based on Vancouver having a reputation for this sort of thing. As ever, it’s never a dull moment here – and sometimes a kids slide can turn into big news!