RARE throwback photos show previous beauty of The Witch’s Castle PDX landmark

May 24, 2023 by 1 Comment

For many years, The Witch’s Castle has stood in Portland, as a derelict, empty building. These days, it’s covered in moss and is in a state of disrepair. Often, it’s also accompanied with various graffiti tags and is generally in an abandoned state. However, recent archive footage shows what it was like in the 1930s…and to say it is beautiful is an understatement. As seen in the picture below, the architecture is stunning and it looks nothing like its current state.

Whilst you may not want to live there now, back in the 30s, it would have been a spectacular abode. This property was also built in 1929, by an architect named Ernest F. Tucker and is described as ‘Oregon rustic’ in a book extract:

So, how did The Witch’s Castle fall into such a bad state? In short, the Columbus Day Storm of 1962 damaged it and after then, it was left to rot. This was one of the biggest storms in Portland history and people literally died during it. Sadly, the castle never got repaired. Cynics could also claim this building is also symbolic for the state of modern-day Portland as well. Weirdly, this property has been a big part of Portland culture for years without many people really knowing much about it.

One Reply to “RARE throwback photos show previous beauty of The Witch’s Castle PDX landmark”

  1. Lisakay says:

    Why doesn’t it get rebuilt as a Historical marker? It would be awesome to see in its prime.