Resident BANNED from Doctor’s Practice after scathing online review – But was it justified?

July 11, 2023 by No Comments

A Florida resident recently uploaded an image to social media which showed a letter from a popular Doctor’s practice in St Petersburg. This showed that they had been banned by the practice – and this person claims it was after giving them a 2 star review on Yelp.

As seen below, the image shows a letter that was sent from Docs Outside The Box, which is a holistic doctor’s practice located in St Petersburg. The letter begins by reading: “We are no longer able to meet your medical needs. We will provide emergency care for the next 30 days following the date of this letter. After that time, you will not be permitted on this premises.”

If you read the full letter, then you will notice no mention of the low review, and in fairness, it was quite professionally written. Nonetheless, the ex-customer claimed this was a form of retaliation due to their review.

In further defense of Docs Outside The Box, it does also beg the question as to why a customer would even want to continue using them if they were that bad to warrant a 2 star review as well. So, this may be a case of only seeing one side of the story. It also hints that the customer may have also done something quite wrong to get banned in the first place. If you have any similar experiences that you’d like to share then please get in touch.