Rochester residents on ALERT – After this chilling scam

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

Rochester residents have been put on alert after this recent scam has got locals on edge. Originally posted on social media, one person claimed that they had fallen foul to a ‘mother and children’ scam. Here, the mother asked to do yard work for money in a fundraising effort for a class trip.

As the resident had to leave quickly, they paid the mother in advance and in a sad twist, even gave the kid a free skateboard. You’ve probably guessed what happened next – but the mother never returned to do the work and effectively got paid to do nothing.

However, this isn’t where the scam ends. While the victim was undoubtedly naive and careless, this scam typically operates on a more sinister level. Usually, it involves stealing household goods (such as lawnmowers and other tools) and basically stealing from the property. Although this sounds desperate and extreme, it does go on. This took place in the Northland-Lyceum area of the city

Responding on social media, others shared similar experiences, with one adding, “Something similar happened to me a couple weeks back actually! I live in the same neighborhood. I’m awful at saying no to people and this lady was asking if we lived in the area and if we could get her some baby formula.”

Now, although this isn’t the most sophisticated of scams, there is an easy solution. If you’re approached by this woman then the simple solution is to say no and don’t give in to her persistence. As always, remember to stay safe out there.