San Antonio has suddenly had an influx of ‘Student Driver’ Stickers – Here’s why

July 2, 2023 by No Comments

If you’ve been driving around San Antonio recently, then you may have seen an influx of black and yellow car stickers that read “Student Driver – Please be patient” Now, it goes without saying that some of these stickers will be used by genuine student drivers, but clearly not all. In fact, if you look at many of these drivers who have these stickers – they’re often fairly old. This begs the question, why are people suddenly using these stickers?

It turns out that this phenomenon isn’t exclusive to San Antonio. In fact, similar sightings have been seen in various major cities across the US. All of these sightings have also appeared in the last year or so.

After doing some investigating, it turns out that most of these drivers aren’t students – which is not surprising in the slightest. Instead, many are actually regular drivers. According to these people, they are treated kinder when driving with these stickers, which kind of makes sense. Here, other drivers will be more cautious and forgiving, which is a different experience from driving without these stickers.

It may also be down to word of mouth – as once one person has had a good experience driving with these, they may tell a friend. Before you know it – they’re suddenly a common sighting around town. Whether this trend lasts remains to be seen. It’s safe to say that San Antonio hasn’t suddenly had a huge number of student drivers though – and for the most part, it’s merely people taking advantage of others’ kindness on the roads.