San Diego Tweet goes viral for highlighting ‘ludicrous’ living costs in the city

June 24, 2023 by 1 Comment

Over the years, San Diego has quickly become one of the most expensive cities to live in. To be precise, a recent study claimed it was the eleventh most costly city to live in the USA. To be even more precise, it is almost 44% more expensive to live in compared to the US average and the median house price is over $900,000 which says it all.

Despite these numbers sounding bleak for most of us, one Twitter user by the name of TeamTony saw the funny side of things. In his tongue-in-cheek comment, he said, “Don’t come to California, we at capacity – no cap just don’t. Minimum wage be like 12 bucks, rent is $2000, you gonna need about 2 roommates, a Youtube channel, and a sugar daddy to make it here.”

Although an exaggeration, there’s definitely a large dose of truth in this Tweet and it may even act as a future prediction to where the world is heading.

Comments on his Tweet included, “I WISH my rent was just 2000 a month…” and “Combined, my wife and I make $250,000. We can’t afford to buy a house here. A three bed house in a decent neighborhood is nearly $800-$900k. We’ve been outbid sometimes by $30-$50k on bad houses. Even homes in less desirable neighborhoods are too expensive…With the interest rates so high, who can afford mortgages right now? It doesn’t look like I’ll be able to afford a home where I’ve lived my entire life. It’s crazy.”

Overall, this shows just how expensive San Diego is these days. And not only that, California for the most part is equally as expensive and doesn’t look like living costs will be going down anytime soon.

One Reply to “San Diego Tweet goes viral for highlighting ‘ludicrous’ living costs in the city”

  1. Cheryl says:

    I love San Diego, but yup…too expensive. After my fiancé passed away, my rent in downtown one bedroom is unaffordable. Moving back East.