San Franciscans WARNED – As Cell Phone theft skyrockets

June 26, 2023 by 1 Comment

A photo was recently photographed warning the people of San Francisco against rising cell phone theft due to an influx of pickpockets in the area. This was seen at a music venue, but over the past few months, various news stories have appeared saying the same thing.

Here, people were getting their cell phones taken out of their pockets while out and about. Yesterday, this happened in Pacific Beach but has also happened lately in the Downtown and Hillcrest areas too. Apparently, this has risen lately as iPhones have become easier to unlock than ever when bypassing iCloud technology. Combined with the current economic downturn, this crime’s rise sadly makes a lot of sense.

In response, San Franciscans have been urged to be extra vigilant, especially when out drinking as this may create easy targets. Similarly, apps such as ‘Find My Device’ have also been recommended as a precaution.

Speaking on social media, one San Francisco bar manager claimed these things often happened in waves and warned “Don’t keep your phone in your pockets. I don’t carry mine when at work, I rely on my Apple watch. Also, there are videos on social media showing you steps you can take to safe proof your phone a little such as disability the ability to put your phone in airplane mode or turn the tracking off (even when the phone is powered off) without your face ID.”

As always, keep your ears open and your eyes peeled – hopefully, the perpetrator gets caught quickly and San Franciscans can relax a little more when going out.

One Reply to “San Franciscans WARNED – As Cell Phone theft skyrockets”

  1. Mission Native 94110 says:

    SF has become a crime riddend city. Opioid crises, the lack of interest by local politicans to do what’s needed to stem the increase in drug use and crime rate (which goes hand in hand) are to blame. Only now they are looking to do something which is a good but the genie has already been let out of the bottle and it’s going to be really hard to put him back in.