San Francisco bike lane brazenly used as unloading zone by FREIGHT TRUCK

July 1, 2023 by 2 Comments

Ever since the expansion of bike lanes throughout San Francisco, they have been widely abused by members of the public. It’s fair to say that you’re just as likely to see them used as temporary car parks, as you are to see actual bikes using them.

Today – this went even further, as a freight truck in Valencia Street was seen using a bike lane to unload cargo. Here, the truck took up the bulk of the bike lane as the worker casually unloaded goods onto his trolly.

In fairness to the driver, Valencia Street is known for being a very busy area of the city. Nonetheless, this is a clear breach of what the lane is meant for. One local even claimed that “No matter where you put the bike lanes on Valencia, unless you make it impossible, people will use them like this.” And in all honesty, it seems as though this sentiment is true.

It looks as though a lot of people actually sided with the driver too – and you do have to question what exactly was meant to happen if they didn’t use the lane. Here, one resident wrote, “Street designs that don’t account for delivery people are just really bad ideas. On any street it’s problematic, on Valencia it’s detrimental to everybody’s safety and convenience.”

Maybe we’re being overly optimistic – but perhaps one day the bike lanes in San Francisco will be used correctly. Until then, you’re just as likely to see a UFO using them as you are cyclists which makes you wonder why they were implemented in the first place.

2 Replies to “San Francisco bike lane brazenly used as unloading zone by FREIGHT TRUCK”

  1. Billy says:

    I am not against bike lanes but where on earth can a full time uber driver like myself can legally pick someone up without beong hassled ,threatened, road raged on all of mission district near valencia streets by trying to do good service and safety picking up passenger’s requests and not getting punished by absurd tickets and penalties of $140 called obstruction of traffic only to do my job?

  2. Robert Komanec says:

    I am one of those who “wonder why they were implemented in the first place”. On Downtown Market Street, I have had to dodge bicyclists riding on THE SIDEWALK as they pedal past store after store.