San Francisco public FED UP over dumped trash

July 6, 2023 by No Comments

Recently, an annoyed San Francisco resident took to the internet to voice their displeasure over the sheer amount of dumped trash that was left in the street. Apparently, this was the aftermath of people’s fireworks which had been randomly put into a huddle on the street.

Now, it should be noted that the trash in San Francisco isn’t usually this bad and it’s a bit of a one-off. Nonetheless, it still shows certain people’s attitudes to public spaces and the lack of empathy when it comes to inconveniencing others.

Having said this, one person saw the positives and claimed, “It looks relatively cleaned up to me compared to some trashed intersections I’ve seen in the past.” another local saw the funny side and wrote: “BMW next to a pile of trash. San Francisco as hell.”

On a serious note – this image is quite symbolic of living in San Francisco right now, as it shows unanswered crime next to an expensive vehicle. Arguably, this shows the divide between two very different worlds that live on top of each other.

If you ever find that your neighborhood or area has been burdened with unwanted trash, then you can also contact the San Francisco council to come and remove it. These days, you may be in for a bit of a wait though!