San Francisco residents receive ransom notes demanding money to stop car theft

July 11, 2023 by 1 Comment

Over the past few months, car theft in San Francisco has risen drastically. Now, in a shocking twist – thieves are now demanding payment to avoid breaking into cars. This weekend saw several notes left on car windscreens that asked for payment via cash app, to avoid damage. Part of the note reads, “I don’t want to steal anymore to pay the bills. So I stopped, but the bills don’t.”

This was then followed by the demand for cash as a ransom. In a sickening tone, the letter even ended by saying, “Thank you so much, God bless.” Seriously, you’ll have to read it for yourself – but this shows just how low (and entitled) San Francisco criminals have gotten lately.

Locals have been advised not to give in to these demands and have been warned that it may not even prevent future break-ins. In other words, if you’re bad enough to blackmail people, then you’re probably going to steal from their car regardless.

Reacting online, one resident said: “Does this potentially qualify as some other crime that has a steep enough penalty it could get these scumbags arrested? Like extortion?”

Others pointed out that it got even worse due to the use of the Comic Sans font, which is typically associated with a fun, gentle tone. Overall, this shows just how low car crime has gotten in the city.

One Reply to “San Francisco residents receive ransom notes demanding money to stop car theft”

  1. Mikey P says:

    I’m a 3rd generation San Franciscan, and just left the city I once loved. I am embarrassed to even say where I’m from!