San Jose Burger King workers strike in support of co-worker

June 22, 2023 by No Comments

Workers at a Burger King restaurant in San Jose went on strike today in solidarity with their co-worker. According to the Twitter post that highlighted this issue, the strike was because “One worker was forced to work through pregnancy complications, and miscarried her pregnancy. After returning to work, her hours have been cut to the point she made only $800/month.” The protest took place on 3098 Story Road where the Burger King is located.

It should be noted that at this point, this story has not been confirmed by Burger King, so remains conjecture for now. Nonetheless, if true – it doesn’t look good and is nothing short of a tragedy. Since picketing, this has undoubtedly brought attention to the issue whilst simultaneously giving Burger King some pretty bad PR.

During the protest, workers held up signs that read “Burger King controls our jobs, but isn’t liable for their lawlessness.” and “Justice for Fast Food workers.” Clearly, this group of employees were not happy with their working conditions and even wore matching t-shirts in solidarity.

It will be interesting to see how this story unfolds, and whether Burger King comments on the situation going forward. On a final note, if nothing else – this also highlights the current gap between staff and corporations in America, which is currently wider than ever.