San Jose residents SLAM PG&E Door ‘Pests’ for aggressive behavior

July 6, 2023 by No Comments

You know that you’ve lived in San Jose for too long if you’ve been pestered by PG&E door salesman (or saleswoman in this case) who want to see your energy bill. This phenomenon was recently discussed on social media, where locals blasted these people, with some even going as far as to describe their antics as a ‘scam‘. However, even after a lengthy discussion, no one really got to the bottom of their motives. Having said this, there was a universal dislike of these saleswomen due to their pestering tactics and persistence.

While this hasn’t been confirmed as truthful, one local claimed: “What they try to do is obtain your PG&E account number (from your bill) so they can sign you up for a third party gas procurement provider out of state, usually Vista Energy or Spark Energy. Never ever show your bill.”

A door saleswoman (this is an example image and they are not associated with PG&E)

According to most San Jose residents, these people aren’t even from PG&E and are usually from some third party company (which they should have on display). As it turns out, PG&E will only come out to your property if there is a real emergency with your energy.

In other words, the aforementioned idea of selling your gas to a third party could well be true, especially if these people act underhand and aren’t exactly playing by the rules. Because of this, we advise to not give out your PG&E number at any cost – and perhaps tell them where to go while you’re at it.