‘Selfish’ parked truck gets blocked in by DARE car – But did it go too far?

July 10, 2023 by 5 Comments

An image taken at Walmart in Starkville recently showed a DARE vehicle blocking a truck due to a dispute over a parking spot. According to the person who took the photograph, this was because the truck had used the DARE cars parking space which was reserved for law enforcement. As a result, the DARE car simply parked right next to them, which effectively barricaded them in the process.

At first glance, you may think that the DARE car dished out some much-needed justice. However, not everyone saw it that way and some believed that it went too far. Some pointed out that the truck could even have been an unmarked law enforcement vehicle, which is unlikely but sometimes they do actually use similar trucks.

Secondly, another claimed that the DARE vehicle was parked illegally and wrote, “The signs are put in by a private company and are not legally enforceable by the city or any other law enforcement. The cop can actually get a lot of trouble for this” Elsewhere, others accused the DARE vehicle was being petty and unprofessional.

In general, most people condemned the DARE car and claimed that it should have moved. At the same time, you can also understand their grievances about being inconvenienced by a selfish driver. If nothing else, this also shows the disconnect between Mississippi law enforcement and pedestrians these days which sometimes has a strained relationship. If you think the DARE car was justified in its actions or went too far then let us know.

5 Replies to “‘Selfish’ parked truck gets blocked in by DARE car – But did it go too far?”

  1. Trina says:

    The dare vehicle could’ve parked elsewhere these vehicles shouldn’t have a reserved parking slot after aftet all they are not parked there everyday all day

  2. E. Chenney says:

    I’m all for the D.A.R.E vehicle. The truck driver knew better, and paid the price!

  3. Photodawg61 says:

    I LOVE that the Dare vehicle blocked in the pickup. The pickup driver was just being lazy and had no reason to park there and they got caught.

  4. Kandykane says:

    It is what it is

  5. Charlene Presley says:

    People do this all over. Take two places to park instead of getting between lines and straight. But any reserved space should be adhered too. You know better.