SHAMELESS Thieves Steal Catalytic Converter in Broad Daylight

June 30, 2023 by No Comments

A video was uploaded to the popular website Reddit yesterday that showed three shameless thieves stealing a car’s catalytic converter in broad daylight. This happened in a matter of seconds and it was frightening to see how quick and efficient the crew were at stealing the converter.

The man who filmed it was the victim, and this took place near the Humboldt neighborhood in Chicago. As seen, the second thief to enter the footage is carrying a gun – which is why the victim didn’t do anything. The thieves also covered their faces to prevent being identified and used tools such as a jack and power saw to cut out the converter.

Over the past few years, catalytic converter theft has sharply risen in Chicago and these can be sold on the black market for up to $1000. Due to the ease of stealing them, they can make certain cars that use them an easy target. Sadly, these usually cost around $1500 to repair and also leave victims paranoid of future attacks. Not only is it illegal to drive without one, but it will also damage your car in doing so.

As a result, Chicago has implemented certain laws such as stricter ID when selling converters. However, this is often bypassed as those buying them illegally won’t care if they’re stolen or not anyway. Unsurprisingly, Chicago residents were disgusted by this entitled behavior, with one resident saying, “Man, and the absolute lack of concern doing it in broad daylight. I’ve parked on streets like this without concern before but I haven’t been driving to the city at all lately.”

Elsewhere, another wrote: “Literally witnessed my car getting stolen by some kids like this. Joy rode around the neighborhood and destroyed my car. Came back and jumped me and my neighbor waiting for the cops a block from my house. So sick of this. Seeing it here on video just makes me angry.”

Hopefully, new laws such as stricter punishments can be introduced to act as a real deterrent for these thefts. Until then, it’s a sad but true reality that catalytic converter theft is an everyday occurrence in Chicago.