Shreveport Residents FUME over Water Bill Charges

June 24, 2023 by 3 Comments

A Shreveport water bill recently went viral for all the wrong reasons. The bill was for a newly owned home and came in at $64.14. On first glance, it isn’t too outlandish – however, when you read the finer print, you can see why people are angry.

Firstly, it includes a ‘safe drinking fee’ of $1. Secondly, it has two sewer fees, and lastly – despite costing a total of $39.14, the final bill is $64.14. It gets even crazier though, as the bill covers June 14th to June 15th 2023.

Bizarrely, one has to wonder why in 2023, Americans are paying for a ‘safe drinking water fee’ and it would be interesting to see what this actually is when broken down. This prompted one response which was as funny as it was sad, saying “Making sense of Shreveport Water Dept bills takes a miracle. Or an act of God. Or magic. Or something that basically no one owns or is capable of doing on their own. It’s ridiculous.”

However, one claimed that this was mostly a case of innocent incompetence from the Shreveport council. They claimed it was a mistake to be double billed, while the entire bill would cover one month, and not a singular day. Looking at it logically, this makes sense. Still, it’s not really acceptable as a paying customer to see such a shocking bill in the first place!

This is even worse when compared to surrounding areas, as Shreveport is notoriously more expensive for water when compared to places nearby. Based on this, for this new resident in Shreveport, this bill may sadly be a sad representation of what is to come.

3 Replies to “Shreveport Residents FUME over Water Bill Charges”

  1. Shawn day says:

    They don’t even read or meter been covered up for 2 months but still get a 50 dollar bill.

  2. Loretta Tisdom says:

    This is what I pay every month !!!

  3. B says:

    Then I’d even drink this nasty water