SICK Thief cruelly steals disabled kid’s wheelchair

July 11, 2023 by No Comments

This week, a sick Lafayette thief cruelly stole a 10-year-old disabled boy’s wagon wheelchair. This wagon was used by the child to access grassy areas when their wheelchair was physically unable to do so. It also cost over $389 on Amazon and was not cheap.

The incident took part at 1:22 AM on July 4th and was caught on CCTV. Unfortunately, this footage was incredibly grainy, and other than a vague outline of the thief, there’s not much information to go by. Still, you can see in the image that the thief is dragging the wagon away. It seems as though the thief had scoped the area previously, as they even ventured 40 feet into the yard to steal the item.

This took place in the Columbian Park Area of Lafayette and unsurprisingly, the thief has been lambasted on social media for his act of cruelty. One user wrote: “What an absolute piece of work. Sorry this happened to you, some people suck.” which prompted the victim to respond, “Yeah, it’s breaking my faith in humanity. Like, who sees a kid’s wheelchair and thinks “I’ll steal from that kid” How can someone be so heartless?”

If you’re in the area and have seen the wagon then please contact the number in the above poster. Fortunately, this is quite a niche item and clearly, the thief wasn’t the brightest as it may prove quite difficult to get rid of.