Sleepy driver STUPIDLY rear ends car in Portland traffic

July 7, 2023 by No Comments

While Portland isn’t as bad as certain other cities for dangerous driving, it still has its moments. Yesterday, dashcam footage showed a PDX driver stupidly rear-end another in a traffic queue. And, while this wasn’t a catastrophic crash, it could have still left the stationary driver with whiplash.

Filmed on Highway 26 East at 5PM, the video below shows a line of cars on the right that had come to a standstill. Then, instead of slowing down – the approaching car went straight into the back of the last car in the line and rear-ended them.

Usually, this sort of crash occurs due to two reasons. Firstly, the driver could have had a momentary lapse of concentration. Secondly, they could have been on their phone texting. Either way, this is a good example of how not to drive and shows that even if you lose focus for a mere second, then it can have very bad consequences.

Not only this but there’s also a likelihood that it has a ricochet effect whereby the car two in front also gets hit in the bumper. In fact, this is exactly what happened here if you study the footage closely. As you can expect in these scenarios, it’s a bit of a nightmare where insurance is concerned, which is yet more reason to drive carefully.