Someone has been painting these sewer drains – And locals are loving it

July 14, 2023 by No Comments

For the most part, sewer drains are viewed as fairly mundane and ugly. However, an anonymous Milwaukee resident has gone around painting the drain lids around the city market. Usually, you’d expect sewer drains to look pretty lifeless – but this person added a touch of much-needed color to the equation.

Here, they combined pink, yellow, and silver colors to really bring it to life. Because of this, many residents have rejoiced and have really taken to these new drains. It doesn’t stop there either, as many have called for the artist to paint more around the city.

Speaking on social media, one resident wrote: “Ah! Thank you for beautifying the city, it looks fantastic! I would love to see these covers painted all over.” while others called for similar.

This does pose a couple of questions though. Firstly, are these colors going to last very long due to the constant footfall that sewer drains have to put up with? Secondly, is this even legal, or is it technically vandalism? Of course, it shouldn’t be illegal – but you never know when it comes to some of the city’s busy bodies, who sometimes kick up a fuss over nothing. For the most part though, we say carry on as this brings some much-needed color to the area and it looks pretty awesome.