Spectacular photo captures rare double rainbow over PDX airport

April 13, 2023 by No Comments

It wouldn’t be Portland without its fair share of rainbow photos. This is because the city is well known for its volatile weather. One minute it’s raining heavily, the next it’s sunny and warm. However, even by Portland standards, a double rainbow is pretty rare.

What’s even cooler is that it was pictured on the airfield at the PDX airport. Is this an omen that better signs are to come – or is it a sign to travel to, or out of Portland? Who knows, but overall it’s certainly a lovely photo that should brighten up your day.

Not only this but without reading too much into the photo, it really does sum up Portland weather. Quite literally. This is because it shows how crazy the weather can be. For instance, on the right side of the photo, it shows dark clouds, that are filled with rain water.

On the left side of the photo, it shows a clean sky. Arguably, this is the perfect representation of not only Portland’s weather but life itself. Sometimes, it’s good, and sometimes it’s bad.