Spotted Lanternfly’s invasion of NYC leads to DIRE consequences

June 20, 2023 by No Comments

This week has seen an emergence of news regarding Spotted Lanternfly Nymphs and their invasion of New York City. So far, there have been sightings in Queens and Harlem – however, they could also be further afield. The general rule in NYC regarding wild animals is to leave them be, but as these can be so destructive, New Yorkers have been advised to kill them if they see them. Alternatively, you can also report your sightings to the New York agriculture department.

For those wondering, the Spotted Lanternfly can come in various forms, but the most commonly sighted one has a black body with white spots. Often, they can be found in clusters climbing up trees. So, why are they so bad?

In short, they can cause massive economic issues for the state that they invade. Imagine that you’re a farmer whose entire crops are devoured by these insects. Oftentimes, that’s exactly what happens. According to one University study, they cause Pennsylvania roughly $324 million annually which shows just how devastating they can be. As a result of this, thousands of jobs are lost which is yet another issue they can cause.

So, what is the best way to kill these critters? Apparently, soapy water mixed with vegetable oil will kill these with relative ease, whilst also avoiding harm to plants and trees. In doing this, hopefully we can stop the spread and save some jobs and the environment in New York!