STRANGE Lightning spotted in Delaware skies – But do you know what it is?

July 4, 2023 by No Comments

Last night saw a storm of epic proportions light up the skies of Delaware. However, one resident managed to capture a stranger sight than usual which prompted them to say “That is wild, what is it?” as they were clearly amazed by the bizarre display.

This occurred when yellow orbs would flicker in and out of the dark storm clouds, only to re-appear moments later. Naturally, some claimed this was down to UFOs and the supernatural. However, it turns out that there is a scientific explanation. And, despite this being less fantastical than other theories, it’s still a pretty cool and rare phenomenon.

Filmed near Claymont, the yellow orbs were actually what is known as ‘ball lightning‘. This sighting is actually very rare and is a fascinating atmospheric phenomenon that appears as a glowing spherical object, typically ranging in size from a golf ball to a large beach ball. It is often associated with thunderstorms or lightning discharges, but its exact nature and formation mechanisms are still not fully understood.

According to some scientists, this happens when lightning effectively gets trapped within a cloud and cannot make it out of the sky. Others speculate that lightning combusts mid-air, which creates a mini fireball.

In short, it’s not a common sighting and as you can tell by the awe of the people filming it, it can be a beautiful sight to capture. Unfortunately for those who didn’t see it in person, there’s not much chance that you’ll be able to see it in person ever again.